
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

>How Do You Sneak Fruit and Veggies In?

> sent out a RAMBO Alert about an awesome blogging topic. How do you sneak fruits and vegatables in your childs diet?

Obviously we all know that fruit and vegetables are a very important part of a balanced diet. But how do you get your kids to eat them? Being a parent it is a must to learn a couple of tricks to be sure your child gets all the nutrition that they need. So what sneaky tricks do you know?
Here is a couple of mine:

1- Ketchup: Most kids I know love ketchup and love the idea of dunking. Ketchup makes everything taste better. I also remember as a child I would drown my peas in ketchup that way they slid right down my throat.

2- Pizza: Make it a fun cooking night by sitting around the table and adding different things to a pizza. Samantha added some peppers to hers, she even ate them when the pizza came out of the oven.

3- Tacos: Another food you can add anything to. Put veggies in bowls and let them stuff their tacos.

4- PB&J : Then add some bananna or raisins to it.

5- Waffles and Pancakes: You can add some fruit to the mix and after you are done cooking them put some fruit on top with a little bit of whip cream.

If you would like to also participate in this contest here is the link:
The first 100 bloggers to enter Thermos snack jar and a coupon off Horizon’s new Little Blends yogurt.
Little Blends Yogurt makes it a little easier for parents to get fruits and veggies into their childs diet. Little Blends Yogurt combines both fruits ad vegetables.
You can get a coupon for Little Blends yogurt on their website :


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