
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

>Ten Tips for New Moms Who are Bringing a Baby Home

>As many of you may know, I have 2 dayghters, ages 3 and 5 months.
My first daughter we were a nervous wreck bringing her home.
My second daughter we were also a nervous wreck bringing her home.

From my experience, I would like to share with you
Ten Tips for New Moms Who are Bringing a Baby Home:

1- Have a carseat in your car. You can not bring your baby home without a carseat. So you should have it installed into your car sometime before giving birth. I had my carseat put in when I was about 35 weeks pregnant. I wanted to be sure incase I went early I was prepared. There are usually local sights and checkpoints in your area that will check that you have it installed properly.

2- Clean your house. Before I gave birth I made sure that the house was completely sanitized. I washed down everything that I can, that way my baby came home to a clean home.

3- Ask For Supplies. When you are in the hospital ask for extra supplies to bring home. We got lucky and the hospital that we were staying in gave us a nice bag with extra formula, diapers and a blanket.

4- Limit Company. Everyone will want to see the baby. There is time. No one is going anywhere. Limit the amount of comany you have and spread it out over time. You do not want too many people crowding the baby.

5- Wash Your Hands. Have your family and friends (any you too!) wash hands. You do not want to spead unwanted germs to the baby.

6- Ask For Help. One thing I always hated was asking friends and family for help. Having a new baby is a huge adjustment. From your hormones, it is also a gigantic emotional rollercoaster too. Ask friends and family for help with housework and the baby. Your body is healing and you definitely will need the help.

7- Do the Laundry. Wash all new and handed down baby clothes in laundry detergent that is scent free and sensitive for babies to prevent skin irritation and allergies.

8- Sleep. When your baby sleeps, you sleep. Sleep patterns will be a huge adjustment for new moms. Heck, I still feel like I cannot catch up on sleep. Get all the sleep that you can. Sleep when your baby sleeps.

9- Call The Doctor. If you feel like anything is strange, or wrong, call your doctor. No question is a dumb question. That is what they are there for.

10- Enjoy Every Moment!! They grow so fast, too fast it seems. Enjoy every single moment to the fullest that you possibly can. Before you know it, you are going to look them in the eyes and say "Gosh, where did all the time go?"

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Lysol® Wee Wisdom blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here


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