Samantha's Thoughts ~ (who will be 2 next month) is very excited to have it. She likes the smell and she thinks she is wearing big girl perfume. Whenever I spray it on her she gets very excited.
My Thoughts ~I love the scent, I love the softness and I love that Organic Mommy n' Me Refreshing Mist is completely safe for her.
Organic Mommy n' Me Refreshing Mist is:
•alcohol free
•certified organic ingredients
•pediatrician recommended
•OleoSpheres™ technology
•manufactured in the U.S.A.
•alcohol free
•certified organic ingredients
•pediatrician recommended
•OleoSpheres™ technology
•manufactured in the U.S.A.
Also I love what Earth Baby Organics is all about. .
About Earth Baby Organics:
Earth Baby Organics is definitely a company that I would be happy purchasing from. Their items are all organic. Plus: they give a portion of their proceeds to charities that help orphaned children and medical missions that provide free surgery to needy children. Oh and besides that, they also: Support the Tarsier Foundation to protect the endangered Tarsier monkey, the smallest in the world.
>Nice review of this product!