
Thursday, January 21, 2010

>Help Defeat Hunger Part II

>So a while back, I wrote a post all the way back in August about ShopRite and General Mills coming together to donate 1 box of cereal to a foodbank in ShopRites trading area for the first 30 people who commented on the post. You can check out the post here: Help Defeat Hunger

So anyway, now I have an update for you guys along with an awesome video contest that will also help in fighting hunger.

Thanks to ShopRite, General Mills and all the bloggers that participated in Blog it Forward to Fight Hunger, 3,000 boxes of cereal were donated to local food banks in ShopRites trading area. That is awesome!!! I am very excited to have been a part of that.

Now ShopRite Partners In Caring and General Mills have a video contest to increase awareness of hunger.

The contest is called Expressions of Hunger. To enter all you have to do is Submit videos using song, poetry, dance or dramatic reading that creatively express the plight of the hungry or offer solutions to the issue of hunger.

Six grand prize winners will have their stories and photos featured on a special-edition Cheerios box available exclusively at ShopRite stores in September 2010! Also, the video will be featured on the ShopRite Partners in Caring Website ("SRPIC") (ARV:$400.00-based on a total of 15 winners pictured on Cheerios box)

Up to 10 additional winners will receive a video camera (ARV $200) and their entries will be featured on the ShopRite Partners In Caring website.

Go to for the complete contest rules. The contest is open for submissions from January 1 through March 1, 2010.


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