
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


>By Gosh! Can you believe it is the first day of December?
I surely cannot.

This month I would like to make the holiday season fun by sharing fun holiday tips and traditions, as well as some giveaways and tips on buying gifts.

Here is one tip: Try and get all your Christmas Shopping done ASAP, its getting crazy in stores now!

I have mentioned in a much earlier post that my husband is Jewish, and I am Catholic. Therefore, Samantha gets a taste of both religions. Lucky her.

My husband loves Christmas, he puts lights on the house, helps with the tree and decorating the house. He really gets in the spirit of the season. I love Christmas and Hanukkah. I love the magic of Christmas, and the traditions of Hanukkah.

Last year I made Latka's, which are potato pancakes. They came out very yummy. I also like the gift giving part of it. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and Santa. There is definitely something magical about it. However, growing up I always thought Santa must love me to bring me so many gifts. Then my grandma and aunts and uncles got me gifts. But you know who didn't get me anything at all? Mom and Dad. I was not a greedy child at all. I appreciated everything I got, but I always wondered why my parents don't get me anything for Christmas. Meanwhile all that time they were being Santa.

So, that is one thing I love about Hanukkah. Santa will not be able to take credit for those gifts that we buy for Samantha. But she will still also know Santa and the magic of Christmas.


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