>As I mentioned in my earlier posts, after my ob/gyn predicted an ectopic pregnancy and everything turned out to be okay (knock on wood.)
So thats what made me decide to switch doctors. I mean within a weeks time this doctor put my husband and I through hell. I mean literally, we were in a state of depression and just waiting for the day to come.
My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, we were caught by surprise, completely unexpected. So hearing that it was going to happen again was devastating, and totally heartbreaking.
So after I went to a different sonogram place, they saw the baby heartbeat and heart it and everything looked okay. I was in such tears of relief and happiness.
So the other night I went back to the doctor. The new doctor asked that I fax them over a copy of my records. At first it sounded like they said 75 cents a page if you just get the copies. I thought it would be free to fax. It wasn't free, either way it was 75 cents a page. Well there was like 103 pages. So it cost $77.50. I thought this doctor was money hungry before~ now I think she is starving for money.
I am not even 3 months yet. At the point of the sonogram that I heard the heartbeat, they measured 7 and a half weeks. The doctor had done a sonogram before I was pregnant- on September 1st, when I went in for the prenatals to tell her I was trthen again at the end of September once I told her I was pregnant. Then she did another one two weeks after that. Then she sent me for another sonogram out of her office. Each time, even the time that I went to her for prenatals she checked my hormone levels. Is that normal?
Well, whatever.. I have an appointment on November 18th with a different doctor. There are five doctors in the practice, which you see all of them. I think its pretty likely that one of them will deliver my baby too. With Samantha it was a regular hospital doctor that delivered.