
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


>I have kind of been quiet on my blog because so much is racing through my mind. I wasn't going to say anything until 3 months have passed, but I decided this is something that I want to share. This is a situation that I could really use some prayers and support.

So.. the story goes:
I found out in mid-September that I was pregnant.
I have been to the doctor three times and all three times all so say was the sac.
So I continued to go and get my hormone levels tested. She said that they are going up normally and would have expected to see something by now. That gives her reason to think the pregnancy may be ectopic. She gave me a referral to a sonogram place to get another sonogram done. I am going tomorrow, so I will share the results once I know. They will be able to tell if it is ectopic or whats going on. She said if it is then its better to find out sooner because the longer you wait the more dangerous it is. i had a miscarriage over 3 years ago, before I had Samantha and omg the heartache and sadness still lives with me every day. I do not want to go through that again. I am hoping and praying that the baby is ok and that she just wasn't able to get a good view. The way it sounds from the doctor is that odds are against me but maybe with a little bit of hope and some prayers everything will be ok.


  1. >I will definitely be sending prayers your way. I know from experience that NOT knowing is the worst. Good luck girlie, I hope everything turns out okay for you. <3

  2. >thanks so much!they moved my doctors appointment up to today. I am going tonight and oh-boy am I nervous.

  3. >Hope everything is ok, Rose will make a great big sister! Best wishes!!!

  4. >Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the prayers and support. Last night we heard the baby heartbeat and saw the baby. The sonogram doctor said everything looks like it is going to be alright. A huge weight has been lifted from me.


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